Friday, May 16, 2014

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Caught On The Nest

I've been hearing Blue-gray Gnatcatchers around our woods for the last month or so. They tend to stay higher in the trees so it can be hard to get a good look at them.They have a pointy little bill, white outer tail feathers.They aren't particularly colorful. Adults have a mostly grayish back, are white underneath and have a distinct eye ring. Their song sounds like tiny squeaks as though a baby mouse was flying around in the trees.They eat mostly insects and spiders. I think the most interesting thing about these birds is their nests.They use spiderwebs and lichens to construct a nest that looks like a knot in the tree. I found this gnatcatcher on its nest in Meshomasic forest in Portland while I was sitting down to take a break.


troutbirder said...

Amazing photo. Your right they are hard to spot (for me anyway) and when the leave come out.... hopeless. :)

warriormom said...

Fascinating about their nests. Great photo!

Ruth said...

What a great photo. Someone pointed a nest out to me last spring. I never would have found it on my own as it was very high in a tree.

Larry said...

thanks for the comments!