Sunday, June 7, 2020

Birder Access A Little Tricky On Shoreline

 I took an early morning ride down to the shore. This time of the year gets a little tricky as you maneuver around no parking signs and locked gates.One of my favorite stops is right behind a town hall in Clinton. I was able to find this Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Willets, Glossy Ibis...
.....and a Snowy Egret. I appreciate the efforts over the years to make sure there is free access to some shoreline spots without having to have a beach pass and parking fees.

 It looks like they've changed the CT shoreline access site to make it interactive.


Val Ewing said...

Thanks for the link, now I have a better idea where you go birding! so the bird with the red eyes is a Yellow crowned night heron? I've never ever seen one of those or even heard of them.
Thank you for your explorations!

R's Rue said...
