Sunday, October 24, 2021

Before The Sun Rises

It's been some time since I've managed to get out birding before sunrise. I heard a little activity when I fist a arrived at fields but it was difficult to get a good look at what I was hearing so I pointed my eyes to the sky and the moon was right there looking back at me.

Everything else is hiding in the shadows. The air is clear in more ways than one. There is no covid news or politics, just peace and quiet.

A point and shoot camera has a small sensor and doesn't like low light conditions but the milk spilling out of the weed was easy to see.
Eventually the fields started to show a splash of red. As the morning light increases, the beauty of nature begins to reveal itself.
Finally, the sun peaked over the horizon a few minutes later warmed my back to a comfortable level.
Eventually the birds start to reveal their identity. Some birds come to say hello and others just seem to mock me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Stick Heron, Wood Ducks, and yellow-rumps

I visited a very peaceful Highland Pond Preserve this morning. I am thankful for the little places around Connecticut that are set aside for preservation that provide a respite from today's world. It's a perfect place for quiet contemplation.
My first bird turned out to be nothing more than a stick heron that looked like it was designed by the professor from Gilligan's Island.
A pair of Wood Ducks provide natural jewelry to decorate the pond.The trees have been dripping with Yellow-rumped Warblers this week.

They seem to be filling up on fruit and berries. In this case I only saw the splash of yellow on its side.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Any Bird Anywhere Is Just Fine In The Fall

Rather than focusing on one particular birding spot, I've just been wandering from place to place enjoying the start of fall foliage. I'm not concerned about what birds I see or where I find them.
Seeing a flicker on top of a big rock is just fine with me.
A killdeer in the parking lot is better yet!
Even a starling on the guardrail is okay in my book! (Although I must admit I thought I had a less common grassland bird at first glance).