Saturday, December 14, 2024

Birder Hibernation Ends On Sunday

I've been in a state of birder hibernation for the last month. Life decided that other things needed to take priority. I decided to at least upload the last 3 bird pictures that were on my camera. 

I was being mocked by this mockingbird as I passed through the neighborhood on my bike. 
American Robins flocked to our crabapple trees all day long until there were crabapples no more!
I went to a local pond to find ducks but instead found a male Purple Finch which is a nice bird for me. It would have been nicer if the sun wasn't behind him though. 

I haven't picked up binoculars for about a month but the Christmas bird counts have already started. I am going on the annual Salmon River circle bird count tomorrow. It's a fun event because suddenly every species of bird seen becomes important again. Everyone works as a team to find as many species of birds as the can in their territory.

Of course, you do need to withstand the cold and unless you are working the shoreline, you won't see as many species as you would during migration. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to it!


Val Ewing said...

Sounds like it will be an exciting day!
Not here. We are closed in with ice and fog, I can see shadows of birds though!

Michelle said...

Sometimes life has other plans for us! Glad you are getting out and about.