Thursday, February 6, 2025

Convenient Birding On Cold Snowy Days

I wasn't motivated to crunch through snowy woods on this very cold morning so I looked for the most convenient birding spot I could find. Cromwell landing park was nearby and has a deck overlooking the Connecticut River. It was a perfect place to use a spotting scope.
I didn't need a spotting scope to see 17 Common Mergansers right below the deck. I just wish there was a little light reflecting off of them!            I got the spotting scope out and searched up and down the river.    I found 4 Bald Eagles, most of them too far away to even try a photo. This one was out there quite a ways but close enough to for me to get a good look at it.

I prefer to be out walking around in the woods but in the winter convenience and comfort are sometimes the most important factors.


Val Ewing said...

That is really neat. Yesterday while I went and checked the woodland fence line, I found two Baldies on a carcass. I waited for them to come back but they obviously could see me hiding in the brush.

Soon I can get to some ponds to see if the water is open enough for waterfowl.

Larry said...

That's pretty neat. I never see them feeding just perching or flying.