There is a nice view from the top deck. I believe that an afternoon visit would offer more attractive lighting because I was facing the sun as I looked over the bog on this muggy morning. I've never had any unusual bird sightings at the bog. I've never seen any particularly rare birds at the bog but I've had some nice sightings. Green Herons, Wood Ducks, and Hooded Mergansers are three that come to mind.
There are a lot of interesting plants at the bog including two types of sundew, a carnivorous plant that catches its prey in sticky, spatula-like leaves. I'd like to find one of those when I get a chance. I came across this turtle along the path that leads to the platform. If you get a close look at his face, he seems to have a bit of an attitude problem. By the way-is the turtle in this photo a Painted Turtle? If so, it looks it has nothing more than a coat of primer so far.
What kind of mushroom is this? I'll bet it's poisonous. It seems like red mushrooms are usually poisonous
I followed a trail that was across the street from the bog that I had never taken before. It led me right out to the powerlines which are always worth checking out for interesting birds.
click to play
There is one particular bird that has been driving me crazy this year. I have heard Eastern Wood-Pewee singing on numerous occasions over the last month or so but I haven't been able to catch one in the act. Just before reaching the powerlines, I spotted this Eastern Wood-Pewee singing its signature song. You know a bird is really giving its all when the tail starts rattling around during the song. -
Can you identify any of the birds singing in the background?
I heard a veery!! Veeries and hermit thrushes were singing at Hasty Brook last weekend.
Tutles always look crabby to me.
Sorry about the humidity. It really saps one's energy.
Purty shroom.
Thanks, Larry! The last time I was there (a bunch of years ago), the path was so encroached that I couldn't get through. We used to love to go there. I think I read somewhere that this used to be a cranberry bog. Don't know if that's right or not. Nice to know that you can get through now and that some work has been done. You had some pretty good sightings.
Lynnne-Yes it is veery clearly in the background.I'll just have to deal with the humidity like everyone else but I'll be happy when its gone.
Sandpiper-Yes -it's still called a cranberry bog.-I'd like to find some actual cranberries though and taste one. Last year someone who has a cranberry bog in their yard said that they didn't see any cranberry bushes but they didn't walk along the trail. Maybe some are in the back.
Neat place Larry! Isn't that Pewee a proud singer!
Looks like a great walk - I'll have to check it out - although with all this rain, it may be a bit flooded!
You must type really fast if you did all of that posting in 10 minutes. :) Sounds like you had a nice outing and you did get some nice pics.
jayne-It is a proud singer.I lie hearing their call when I'm out hiking.
marie louise-I don't think it will flood too much but you would probably want to wait for a couple of days with no rain before going.
wren-You're right-it wasn't ten minutes really-Ten minutes in blog time is more like a half an hour. My intention was to get on and off the computer as quickly as possible.
I can't identify the birds, but that looks like a wonderful area!
I could sit in that green lawn chair for hours...
Lovely view.
Miss you, Larry. I've been a negligent blogger for a while.
lana-It is a nice little area. The boardwalk makes it worth the visit.
Mary-I've been a negligent blogger too. Perhaps we could start the negliget bloggers club. Thanks for stopping by.I'llmake a visit to your blog soon.
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