Back in March, I stopped by a place called Celebrations Gallery and Shoppes in Pomfret. Here are some watercolor paintings from two Connecticut artists whose artwork is currently being displayed at the gallery. (Click on the paintings for larger view). (Paintings #1 and #2 are by David Stumpo).
“As an artist, my one true passion is watercolor. I truly enjoy the fluid movement of watercolor paint on paper. My second passion is nature and wildlife, particularly birds. Seeing a Great Blue Heron standing in a marsh, with the setting sun dancing on it’s feathers, head up and alert, is for me, an almost religious experience. I feel closest to God when I am out in nature and observing the little intricacies and wonders of life.
The striking slash of carmine red against the pure white of new fallen snow as a Cardinal cautiously works his way to the birdfeeder. The jerky and comical antics of the Red-Bellied Woodpecker as its head peeks and peers, nervously surveying the area. These little things are the gifts I receive from my time spent observing, watching, quietly letting nature form the thoughts and ideas that will become my next painting. In thanks, I try to paint my birds as accurately as I am able. My goal is to give them life.”
(Paintings #3 and #4 are by Sharon Rowley Morgio).
The following is an artist statement from Sharon:
“My art background is in drawing and painting. When I was introduced to the field of calligraphy about thirty years ago, it became a new source of inspiration for pieces combining shape, line, texture and color. While my beginnings in lettering covered many years of rendering words and quotations, both commercially and as original works of art, I became interested in the shapes and forms that are inherent in letterforms, using them as inspiration for more abstract pieces. I have also enjoyed combining images from nature and the human figure with calligraphy.
For the past three years I have become immersed in painting watercolors. I enjoy the fluidity and layering possibilities of the medium. I paint both natural and man made subject matter from unusual points of view, focusing on shape, line and texture in a variety of compositions that often include only a portion of the subject, positioned in a way to draw the viewer into the page. In the future, I hope to expand my work in new directions, including works which combine lettering and watercolor.
For me, a painting is an adventure. I enjoy the opportunity for discoveries and personal growth that come with each new work. It is my hope that others might see things in different ways after viewing my paintings, and that they feel an emotional connection to each piece. "
I hope that you enjoyed viewing the paintings. Thanks to the artists and to Celebrations Gallery for allowing me to share them with you. Here is a link to Celebrations Gallery and Shoppes.