A Connecticut native with an interest in birding shares his outdoor adventures
Monday, February 28, 2011
Mocking The Mockingbird
Friday, February 25, 2011
The Month Rolled By & The Blog Stood Still
On a more positive note, I saw this robin and many others eating crabapples from the trees near the parking area at Rocky Neck Sate Park.
under the cedar trees at Wadsworth Mansion. The titmice were the most vocal, communicating back and forth using a variety of whistling calls and noises. Mostly, I just liked standing beneath the trees because I of the way they were lined up giving a tunnel effect. I looked for easy places to do some quick birding this month. I also tried snowshoes for the first time but decided to send them back. There just aren't enough days in the winter when Connecticut has white fluffy snow. It's more often the ice-crusted variety. I tried to cross a field and it sounded like I was marching through a giant bowl of Cap'n Crunch cereal. The birds wouldn't let me get 100 yards from them. I think I might have even started a winter migration.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
January Was Bigger Than My List
1-Red-tailed hawk 2-Mourning Dove 3-European Starling 4-American Crow 5-House Sparrow 6-Northern Cardinal 7-Blue Jay 8-Red-bellied Woodpecker 9-Tufted Titmouse 10-Downy Woodpecker 11-Black-capped Chickadee 12-Song Sparrow 13-American Robin 14-White-throated Sparrow 15-Carolina Wren 16-White-breasted Nuthatch 17-Dark-eyed Junco 18-Mallard 19-Great Cormorant 20-Common Merganser 21-Common Goldeneye 22-Bald Eagle 23-Ring-billed Gull 24-Eastern Screech owl 25-Hooded Merganser 26-House Finch 27-American goldfinch 28 -fox Sparrow 29-Northern Mockingbird 30-Great Blue Heron 31-Herring Gull 32-Canada Goose 33-Northern Flicker 34-Ruddy Turnstone 35-Sanderling 36-Dunlin 37-Great Black-backed Gull 38-American Pipit 39-Common Loon 40-Purple Sandpiper 41-Red-throated Loon 42-American Black Duck 43-Fish Crow 44-Mute Swan 45-Common grackle 46-Bufflehead 47-Red-breasted Merganser 48-Snow Bunting 49-American Coot 50-Monk Parakeet 51-Long-tailed Duck 52-American Tree Sparrow 53-Red-shouldered Hawk 54-Cooper's hawk 55-Ring-necked Duck 56-Horned Lark 57-Brown Creeper 58-Belted kingfisher 59-Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 60-hairy Woodpecker 61-Savannah Sparrow 62-Swamp Sparrow (Wangunk M.) 63-Turkey Vulture 64-Sharp-shinned hawk 65-Eastern bluebird 66-Peregrine Falcon (Portland bridge area) 67-Killdeer 68-Northern Harrier 69-Greater Scaup 70-Lesser Scaup (both at Long Wharf in New Haven) 71-Gadwall 72-Ruddy Duck(New Haven) 73-Greater Yellowlegs (Nature Trail at Long Wharf) 74-Lapland Longspur (Hammo) 75-Black-bellied Plover(end of Meig's Point trail) 76-Red-winged blackbird 77-Golden-crowned kinglet 78-Cedar Waxwing 79-Red-breasted Nuthatch 80-Horned Grebe (West beach hammo) 81-Hermit Thrush 82-Yellow-rumped Warbler.
I added the final 3 species on the last Sunday in January. I also found out that the a Common Murre was seen at West Beach by a large group of birders 5 minutes after I left the area. It was the first recorded sighting of this species in Connecticut.
By the end of the month I was spending more time shoveling snow and raking it off my roof than I was birding. It reminded me that some things are beyond our control and the weather would be one of those things. You just have to accept it and make the best of the situation.
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