On a more positive note, I saw this robin and many others eating crabapples from the trees near the parking area at Rocky Neck Sate Park.
under the cedar trees at Wadsworth Mansion. The titmice were the most vocal, communicating back and forth using a variety of whistling calls and noises. Mostly, I just liked standing beneath the trees because I of the way they were lined up giving a tunnel effect. I looked for easy places to do some quick birding this month. I also tried snowshoes for the first time but decided to send them back. There just aren't enough days in the winter when Connecticut has white fluffy snow. It's more often the ice-crusted variety. I tried to cross a field and it sounded like I was marching through a giant bowl of Cap'n Crunch cereal. The birds wouldn't let me get 100 yards from them. I think I might have even started a winter migration.
As always, beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
I love the photo of the trees! And I laughed out loud at the Cap'n Crunch reference... I can totally picture it!
I agree with Jen: it's a gorgeous photo of the tree tunnel! Also that railroad photo is wonderful, as well as the others... You really have to enlarge them to full size to appreciate them.
I thought you were about to write a country song there at the beginning.
You have had an eventful month.. thankfully it is a short one too. I love the big trees!!
Jen-thanks-I think I would have actually preferred walking though the Cap'n Crunch versus the snow.
Hilke-thanks-I didn't have a lot of photos to choose from but I'm glad that a couple of them seem worthwhile.
birding is Fun-I thought about it but at this point I'm just trying to get back into the habit of posting something.
Ruth-It wasn't so bad-lessons learned and it's making me look forward to nicer days.
It's been a rocky month for me as well, but we're finally settled into a new place and I've got my bird feeders up (just today!).
Here's to more birding in March.
Howdee Larry,
What a crazy month for you. Hope you had insurance and were able to get a newer better shed!
I have been to Harkness and the trail in Niantic, my sister lives close by.
Beautiful places..
Keep bloggin!
Stay warm...
A lovely picture taken at the Wadsworth Mansion. I sat at my desk one day and observed a piliated woodpecker in the pines outside my window. At least three times a year I am rewarded with a sighting here.
dguzman-Good luck with your new place!
Dawn-I'm surprised that it took me so long to notice that bay trail in Niantic.
Wadsworth-There are really nice grounds at Wadsworth.It would be a great place to set up some feeders.
Pileated Woodpeckers are quite a sight.
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