I took a ride down to Essex this weekend in hopes of finding Common Goldeneye on the Connecticut River. It was a sunny December morning and I could hear several White-breasted Nuthatches calling to each other from the hardwood trees which border the property.

The vista alone from Riverview Cemetery made the trip worthwhile. Way out in the distance I could see small specks moving around and making ripples on the river.

The thing about diving ducks is that they dive a lot which is fun to watch but frustrating when you're trying to snap a picture from a distance. I finally managed an id shot after uttering a few words to myself that shouldn't be spoken from behind a church. Thanks to the eBird alert feature and the eBird user who reported the goldeneye I was able to find what I was looking for.
That makes species #167 seen in Middlesex County for the year. This doesn't mean anything but it was fun seeing all those birds along the way. The real joy this morning was sitting on a cemetery bench taking in the view and soaking in the sunshine.
It does look like a picture perfect area.
Well, you still managed to get a decent shot and it looks like you had a gorgeous day down there! Can you believe this weather??? I saw my first Common Goldeneye of the season last Tuesday in Portland but it was so far out in the back cove that here was no way I could get a shot, especially since it was a dreary day!
Thought the cemetary shot was really good with those shadows!
Just popping in to say that I'm so glad to see you're still blogging!
--The Common Goldeneyes tend to be on the opposite side of the river when viewing from the Portland side.
TFG-Thanks- I liked the shadows coming off the tombstone as well.
LHJ-Thanks for stopping by. It can be difficult to keep going.
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