Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Green Herons At the Pea Soup Frog Pond

I haven't been birding much lately but I had an interesting outing the other day. There is a little walking area about a 1/2 mile from my house that I go to do some casual birding on occasion. 

I usually stick to the open field areas where I typically see things like mockingbirds, goldfinches, Barn Swallows and Killdeer there. from above looking down I have always noticed there was a little pond below but it was too surrounded by woods to get to it but someone recently cleared a path around it with some heavy equipment. It's not a pond that i would want to drink water out of or swim in. It looks like someone just poured a giant can of pea soup in there but the frogs seem to like it.When you find a pond that has lots of frogs in the summer you have a good chance of finding the crow-sized Green Heron. It turns out there were actually 5 of them hidden in this little frog pond! They are crow-sized and blend in pretty well in wooded surroundings. It was interesting to see one in this position sort of postured more like a waterfowl than a heron.

Don't ever judge a habitat by how pretty it looks! Birders even find interesting birds in places like sewage treatment plants and dumps so green water won't doesn't discourage them a bit!

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

I worked at a coal fired plant for years and we had the most amazing variety of birds that visited.
That pond does look pretty yucky!
Great finds!