Saturday, August 17, 2024

Zinnias Do A Good Job Attracting Butterflies!

I took a break from yardwork the other day and was pleased to see a couple of butterflies show up near the flower gardens which makes planting them all the more worthwhile! I noticed the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail kept landing on the hibiscus but didn't seem to be interested in feeding on the flowers.  It ended up on another plant with much smaller yellow flowers.Both the Monarch and swallowtail spent most of their time on the Zinnias. That seems to be the flower of choice for butterflies in my garden this year. 

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

I haven't seen any Monarchs yet...crossed fingers...but I have been seeing more Swallowtails!
Next year, I am planting Zinnias around the porch so I can admire them while having a cup of tea.