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You can hear some of the vocalizations and watch some of the flight maneuvers of the ravens on this video. Towards the end a Black Vulture also makes an appearance. Ravens are known to be both playful and intelligent. I was reading about the Common Raven on Wikipedia and was fascinated by some of the interesting things that they have been observed doing like sliding down snowbanks for fun and dropping stones on predators that wander too close to their nests. They were very uncommon in Connecticut up until just a few years ago. It's mice to have the opportunity to watch them so close to home.
Hi Larry,
Superb post, I loved the video! But I have to say that I would definitively love to see again the turkey vulture. They are so great, nice you can see them!
Great post, Larry! It's funny, but I only see black vultures down near the border with Mexico here in my state but I saw them all over the place when we were traveling through Kentucky, Tennesee and Alabama.
Chris-I took some Turkey Vultures photos but they were either really far away or right above my head. The ones that went right over me had bad lighting because thesun was hitting the back of them and they're pretty big. What kind of vultures do you have over your way Chris?
Kathiebirds-Maybe there's more roadkill over that way.
I am still trying to find that sleeping giant.
mathew-He's sleeping right now and doesn't want to be disturbed.
I'm envious of those Black Vultures! I was in Florida recently, but missed them. Nice Post!
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