Sidetracked By Raspberries And Snakes
I haven't been motivated to go birding on 90 degree humid days but managed to sneak out to the woods over the weekend. I wore a long-sleeved shirt and boots which added to the discomfort but being attacked by deerflies and other critters is not on my bucket list.I encountered what I believe to be a Black Rat Snake. Snakes don't bother me unless I think they're poisonous but I decided to take the road less traveled instead of stepping over it just in case. I do carry a box of -snake and bake- with me just in case they get out of line!
The road less travelled led me to lots of raspberry bushes which in turn led to lots of smoothies!
Oh those look delicious!
I dress like you right now to go into the woods. Long sleeves, long pants, and a head net over my ball cap.
With all our rain we are getting a very unusual amount of mosquitoes and gnats which are horrific in the woods.
The birds seem to like it though!
LD. The red raspberry’s look so great but I don’t like very black snakes.
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