A Connecticut native with an interest in birding shares his outdoor adventures
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Bringing Attention To Nature Preserves
Sunday, December 5, 2021
One Of The Most Overlooked Birds Amongst Birders
In this case it is a Red-shouldered Hawk perched silently in a tree. I knew we had them around because I heard them all summer. They have to be one of the noisiest hawks on earth. Kee-yar kee-yar kee-yar all day long. I don't mind though. It's a stern warning to the rodents in the area that they better stay out of trouble!
Monday, November 15, 2021
Just A Little Sun To Take The Chill Off
I stopped at a patch of woods with a little bit of cover underneath. A winter coat and a nice spray of sunshine was all I needed to make me forget the temperature was down in the 30'sBirds are easier to see without vegetation blocking the view.
Birds like to find a sunny spot too in the colder weather.
This cormorant seemed quite content with a nice rock and a little bit of sunshine to take the chill off. It seems that the bird and I had the same plan this morning!
Sunday, November 7, 2021
A Pond So Pretty I forgot The Birds
I can't believe that I've only been 10 minutes away from Miller's Pond. I remember going there as a kid but haven't been back since. The water was crystal clear, the trees reflecting off the water looked like a painting, and not a house or cottage was anywhere in sight.
I walked the trail that circled the pond and admired the rocky formations I came across. There were some birds along the way. The expected chickadees, robins, titmice, woodpeckers, and one Ruby-crowned Kinglet to top things off but this morning was all about the scenery.
I came across this 1895 marker. I'm not sure what it means but hopefully nobody is buried there.
I was shocked to see a group of about 10 swimmers out in the water since the temperature was in the 30's!

Parks that have ponds unspoiled by human habitation are a treasure and I know that I will be back here with a fishing pole and then again in the spring for the return of the warblers!
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Before The Sun Rises
Everything else is hiding in the shadows. The air is clear in more ways than one. There is no covid news or politics, just peace and quiet.
Eventually the fields started to show a splash of red. As the morning light increases, the beauty of nature begins to reveal itself.
Finally, the sun peaked over the horizon a few minutes later warmed my back to a comfortable level.
Eventually the birds start to reveal their identity. Some birds come to say hello and others just seem to mock me.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Stick Heron, Wood Ducks, and yellow-rumps

Friday, October 15, 2021
Any Bird Anywhere Is Just Fine In The Fall
Seeing a flicker on top of a big rock is just fine with me.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Sparrows First Then The Foliage
I've always felt that this time of year has a mystical feel to it.
I always see these spider webs but rarely see a spider in them. They may be lurking in the tall grass safely tucked away.
Sparrows are already starting to arrive. They are one of the prime attractions for fall birders. Hopefully, the colorful foliage is not far behind!
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Looking For Hawks From The Hilltops
It's amazing how the scenery can change so much just by driving 10 minutes into another town. I parked above Lyman's Orchards and set up a chair. There were some migrating warblers and sparrows traveling from tree to tree. The wind was from the north and a few clouds in the sky which makes for perfect hawk-watching conditions.
Well after 3 hours I counted up a total of about 20 birds of prey including 10 Broad-wings, not what I hoped for. I found myself looking at kites and picking pears from the orchard.
I wasn't disappointed though because it was such a beautiful morning with temperatures in the low 70's, a light breeze and low humidity. I'll continue to watch the skies because you never know when they'll be passing overhead.
Friday, September 10, 2021
Not Sure Where To Look Next?
There was also several shorebirds like this yellowlegs hiding in the tall grass.
Of course, we always need to be looking up. In this case I found a nuthatch which are with us year round but the Broad-winged Hawks are starting to pass through as we speak. I am looking forward to the formation of kettles and plan to make a visit to an established hawk-watching site. To me, though, finding a large kettle of hawks passing over your yard is the biggest thrill!
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Summer, My 4th Favorite Season

Sunday, August 22, 2021
Box Of Chocolates Birding
It was awfully quiet there but I took a moment to appreciate a bird that I admittedly overlook when there are other birds around to see. This Mourning Dove was didn't fly off in a noisy panic as they often do. It seemed the epitome of Peace.
It was the horses the healthy looking horses that first caught my attention but if you look towards the left edge of the pond you might see something perched along the shoreline.
A Great Blue Heron silently keeps guard and looks for opportunities.
My birding has been few a far between these days. Once the air cools down, the foliage starts to turn, and fall migration picks up I will once again be bitten by the birding bug.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
An All You Can See Buffet!
Everywhere I looked I could see and hear wildlife.There was butterflies in the bushes.
Handfuls of Green Herons perching in the trees.
Young hawks watching carefully for an opportunity to strike.
There were even deer hidden within the thick, lush greenery near the shoreline.
I didn't manage to get out much in the month of July but I hit it lucky in the end with a cool, sunny morning. I counted up 40 species without even trying. Everything from flycatchers to kingfishers, shorebirds and egrets. It was an all you can see buffet of bird and wildlife! A nice way to end one summer month and begin another.