I spent a few days up in Berkshires with my father and cousin as part of a Spring fishing trip. This has been an annual tradition for over 30 years. When we first started this tradition my father had to keep an eye on me as I was just a young teen. Now that he is approaching 80 it's me that looks out for him. -The view is of South Pond as seen from our cabin porch. We caught some nice Rainbow Trout in nearby North Pond after the friendly locals gave us a few fishing tips.
I didn't spend a lot of time birding during the trip but did bring my camera and binoculars while fishing or hiking. I enjoyed watching this American Robin as it tended to a nest behid our cabin. One of the birds that I heard most often in the area was the Black-throated blue Warbler. They stayed high in the trees so I rarely caught a glimpse of them. I spotted Blue-headed Vireos, a Barred Owl, and Purple Finches, right within the campground. I hadn't seen a Purple Finch for so long that it took me a minute before I realized that I was seeing Purple Finches and not House Finches.
When I returned home I visited a few of my favorite local birding spots. There has been a lot Baltimore Orioles around but I haven't been able to catch one at eye level.
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I got a nice look at this Scarlet Tanager as it made what I call its Chick-burr call. I wish the robin in the background would have toned it down for a few seconds but that's just a robin being a robin.
This is a picture taken at a small nature preserve in East Hampton. I find the area so visually appealing but I was hoping that it would have a greater variety of bird species. The bottom line is that the birds probably don't share my appreciation of natural beauty. they're more interested in what's in it for them in terms of food and habitat.click to playI have found that it's a good place to find Black-throated Green Warbler and Acadian Flycatchers like the one seen in this video. It was nice to actually see the Acadian Flycatcher this time. Usually, I only hear them or catch a brief glimpse of one as it flies from one tree to another.
As my vacation time came towards the end I spent some time just sitting and relaxing in my backyard watching the sunset. As evening approaches, I enjoy watching the Chimney Swifts as they dart and twitter across the sky.
I was happy to see that a House Wren decided to make use of our nestbox again. They migrate to southern United States or Mexico for the winter. -
As I was watching the wren busy at work an amusing thought occurred to me. While we were up in the Berkshires gathering firewood and and staying in a small log cabin, this little bird was busy gathering sticks in my backyard to put in this wooden nestbox for his family.