Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It's Impossible Not To See Birds Near The Shore

I've had little desire to spend time in the woods with the wicked humidity that we've had the last couple of weeks. Fortunately, the shoreline is cooler and there are birds everywhere. Osprey nests are all along the shoreline and hanging out on piers.
These American Oystercatchers were hanging out right behind a restaurant parking lot.
Just a few feet over was a Snowy Egret standing on one foot. I know birds do that in the winter to keep their feet warm but in this case I think it is just a center of balance sort of thing.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

I got a tip-off from a fellow birder that there was Black-bellied Whistling Ducks down in West Haven. I've never seen on before so didn't mind driving a little out of the way in hopes they would still be there. With a name like that how could I resist? The black bellies, reddish bill, and light eye ring were easily visible for identification.
They are described as goose-like ducks with a long neck.

Their name sounds like it was contrived by someone who was poking fun at birders! I didn't hear them vocalizing but I've been told that some of them are good enough to imitate the whistling section of Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sidetracked By Raspberries And Snakes

I haven't been motivated to go birding on 90 degree humid days but managed to sneak out to the woods over the weekend. I wore a long-sleeved shirt and boots which added to the discomfort but being attacked by deerflies and other critters is not on my bucket list.
I encountered what I believe to be a Black Rat Snake. Snakes don't bother me unless I think they're poisonous but I decided to take the road less traveled instead of stepping over it just in case. I do carry a box of -snake and bake- with me just in case they get out of line!The road less travelled led me to lots of raspberry bushes which in turn led to lots of smoothies!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Crows And I Are Patrolling The Yard

I've been taking a break from active birding so that I can catch up with the yardwork. There were giant hemlocks in the area you are looking at but the woolly adelgids destroyed them. I decided to plant a few smaller shrubs and flowers in their place.
I spend a lot of time doing yardwork but ironically, I don't spend much time just sitting and relaxing in the yard. I decided to take a coffee break and enjoy the view. I caught a quick glimpse of a hummingbird visiting some flowers.
Growing herbs and vegetables is another hobby. I tried to keep things simple and easy to maintain by making a homemade whiskey barrel raised garden. I don't think the woodchucks will be getting at these.
One bird that I have found to be surprisingly interesting is the Common American crow. They nested in the woods in back of my yard and they have provided non-stop action. They perch on roofs, raid the neighbors for food, and have a wide variety of colorful vocalizations as they interact with each other and the fledglings.
Watching them in the yard has come to make me appreciate the intelligence of a bird that a dismiss in 2 seconds when I am out birdwatching.
Another bird that has been all over the pace this season is the House Wren. I hear them all the time but only see them pop out in the open occasionally. 

It's been nice taking a summer break from biding and just spending more time in the backyard. I will gradually get back out  in the birding scene again but I'm not in any hurry!