I found an abandoned road with several collapsed structures , an old metal tank and a stairway leading to nowhere. I learned that it had been the old battery area for a Nike missile site which closed down in 1965. In the early 80's it became Camp Meshomasic where the Youth Conservation Corp performed much of the same type of work that the Civilian Conservation Corp did in the 1930's and 40's.
I drove slowly along the dirt roads carefully searching the edge of the woods and along the stream beds. It can be difficult trying to see birds in the thicker parts of the forest but the woods are filled with singing birds this time of the year. I heard several species of warbler including Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Black and White, Northern Parula, and Pine. I also had good views of Magnolia, Ovenbird, Prairie, American Redstart, and Yellow Warblers. Baltimore Orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, Veerys, and Wood Thrushes were plentiful.
Meshomasic Forest doesn't seem to get much attention from Connecticut birders. I'm looking forward to exploring it more thoroughly this summer since it's only a few miles from my house. Not only does it have good birding potential but it's also full of mystery and history.
Isn't it fun to find a place like this? It doesn't have to be a popular spot to be a good one.
Larry, that stairway in the first photo looks magical and mysterious! BTW, I love worm eating warblers! What a great place to explore! What a lot of great birds you saw!
Such variety! Sounds like a great spot.
Nice list of birds you saw. Looks like a neat spot to explore
Hi Larry,
A very nice message you did, full of mystery and history and of nice pictures. I'm happy to discover this forest in your company and hope it will prove fantastic for birding in the future!
Very nice captures. The birds are wonderful.
Lynne-I prefer a lesser known place if all things are equal.
Kathiebirds-The stairway reminded me of from an old movie that took place in the jungles of India.
Curlygirl-It is pretty good considering it's so close to home.
forestal-Yes-I know you like exploring your local places as well Dan.
Chris-Thanks-I try to keep my post titles to a single line and some times that can be difficult.
Levinson Axelrod-Thanks-Are you a birder/lawyer?
Wow, I don't know that I've ever seen (or ID'd) a female cowbird! She's kinda weird-looking.
dguzman-I was stumped the first time I saw one on its own but I usually see them near the males.
it sounds like a wonderful place! Hope you enjoy many rambles there this summer.
I was looking at your eastern Phoebe photo..I saw a pair today in NC from a distance and took a photo..but i noticed the white under the tail near the tip like in your photo..
I looked in the book and didnt see the white near the tip..
any ideas?
dawn-My photo is of a an Eastern Kingbird.-The phoebes don't have that.
Cool..thanks ..thats what I saw then! Thanks for solving my mystery!
Sure-no problem. That's why the majority of birders use field guides with sketches instead of photos. My photo was taken at an angle that's just showing the white underside and dark cap.
You must be good at identifying birds solely by their songs! I wished I could. It's frustrating this time of the year when you can't see the birds because of the foliage.
I'm with you Larry..enjoy the less travelled areas but they are getting harder to find locally. Sounds as if this could become a regular location for you. Have fun. Cheers FAB.
Great post. I love the shot of the Worm-eating Warbler. It is a very rare bird here in Ontario.
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