Birding Blind 2: Beneath The Platform
I made a stop at the Helen Carlson Bog in Portland on Sunday. I spent most of the morning looking and listening for birds from the top of the platform. I was just getting ready to leave when it occurred to me that the support walls beneath the platform might serve well as a blind for taking photos of birds. I believe the wooden walls were designed with spaces to let water pass through when the water level was high but it also serves well as a place to stick a camera lens through.
I had to wait for a quite a while before any birds showed up but a Dark-eyed Junco finally showed up.
Next, a small flock of bluebirds took turns landing on branches that were fairly close.
The photos didn't come out as well as I would have liked but I was good to find another place where I can have an opportunity to get a little closer to the birds without them seeing me. Finding more ready made blinds is on my list of things to do this year.
I also found this wren sneaking around the edge of the bog. I'm guessing it's probably a Winter Wren from what I can see of it. Some of the other birds I saw at the bog included: Red-shouldered Hawks, Common Ravens which were making some strange vocalizations, Wood Ducks, Mallards, yuk-ducks, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpecker, Ruby-crowned kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and about a dozen White-throated Sparrows. Some of the sparrows were singing their old-sam-peabody song while others were busy rustling through the leaves looking for food. I tried to sneak up on them by crawling on my hands and knees. Needless to say, that method didn't work as well as the blind.
Great concept, that of finding already existing blinds while birding. Since adding photography to my birding, I've been working on my stealth to get close, but not with a lot of success. I've asked for camouflaged netting for Christmas.
Nice shots Larry. I have often wondered about getting a portable blind that I read different birders have, as it would make all the difference in proximity to the birds.
I love your Bluebird pictures. I have little patience for sitting in one spot for long periods of time waiting for birds to come. Your were well rewarded for your patience.
Can you walk around with the netting over your head? It would be a great way of getting closer to sparrows who are always disappearing in the bushes when I am getting close.
Great use of the resources around you. You captured some great photos Larry!
I carry a portable pop-up blind in my car. Once set up, it takes about 15 minutes until the birds are used to it. It's great for photographing ducks too.
Birding Is fun-I've yet to really try camo- but I do want to give that a try to see how it works.
forestal-It looks like the portable blin works well for Mainebirder. I tried one with a built in chair and found it to be too small and the other problem was that every time I moved the tent did too and scared the birds off.
Ruth-I'm really not a patient person when it comes to staying iin one place but I force myself to be patient sometimes.
hilke-I have one of those hunters camo hoods but I need the rest of the stuff to go with it.They say even the skin on your hands can scare birds off.
Mainebirder-I may try that again.The one with the built in chair didn't work out for me because the tent seemed to move every time I breathed.
It seems i only see blue birds in Virginia, not here in CT, but great picture.
whitemist-thanks-Many of the old, large farm fields in Connecticut have bluebirds.
Well done Larry... This bluebird shot is beautiful and I would love to see this bird one day....
Hi Larry. I love the bluebird and the Dark-eyed Junco photos. You were creative and patient, and it paid off!
Excellent shots11
Chris-the next time you're in CT let me know and I'll be sure to put you on to them.
Erica-Creative and patient-thanks-I appreciate that. Sometimes I grow impatient of trying to be patient.
thanks Harold.
Just wanted to add that my computer is down right now.I have to pick it up Wednesday and buy a new(or used)monitor.-currently blogging from the local library.
That picture of the blue bird is very nice it are such a nice bird to see.
I almost bought a blind for my own backyard, until I realized nothing was as good as my own back door. Unfortunately the growing trees are starting to block my view (& trees take precence over everything, in my opinion.)
prairiebirder-thanks for dropping by.
Lana-It's easier if you can get away with using what's already there as a blind. I agree with you about the importance of trees.
Larry, I can always trust you to think outside the box! Love the bluebird shots! I will have to find this place and visit it! WT sparrows are showing up at my Mom's house also. What sweet birds!
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