We ended the day with a search of the Connecticut River from a couple of locations which are within the circle. One of the locations was at the end of Shipyard Road which has some beautiful old historical homes. A couple of the neighbors came out to chat with us. I was pleased by how friendly and supportive they were when we told them what we were doing.
While we were there, we were able to add a Bald Eagle to our list. We also enjoyed watching several Northern Flickers flying in and out of the knotholes in some of the big old trees. As we drove around the area we had a nice sighting of a Pileated Woodpecker from the car as well as an eye level view of a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk.
We moved down to another public access site at the bottom of Oakum Docks Road. There were 50+ Mallards, 6 Common Mergansers, and one Common Goldeneye on the river. We scanned the shorelines with the scope and spotted a Great Blue Heron looking back at us. We saw two Great Cormorants land in the river but upon further inspection there were another 16 cormorants in a tree. Some flew from the tree to the water and appeared to be Great Cormorants as well.The preliminary number for total species seen is 74. I'll be curious to see what the final tally turns out to be.
click to play
I enjoyed watching the antics of the toms as they walked around Showing off their fancy tail feathers. They came crashing to the ground one by one as they left their roosting spots in the trees. They all gathered in a fenced off area that was occupied by a couple of horses. The horses didn't seem to mind the turkeys and the turkeys paid no attention to the horses. Just one big happy family.
great xmas bird count
Beautiful photo of the goldfinches! Sounds like very productive day.
forestal-yeah-it was lots of fun Dan.
Hilke Breder-Thanks-I didn't have anything to lean against when I took the photo so I'm glad it came out in focus while I was using full zoom.
Looks like you had a great day. Our local species count (SW Ontario) this year was 67 (up from an average of 59) I think that is amazing with the amount of snow we have and the fact that the Great Lakes are outside our regional boundary.
That's a pretty respectable CBC tally for snowy country. Well done!!
Wished I had been with you! I would love to have seen some of those birds, especially the GREAT cormorants. I have not seen a pileated woodpecker in CT ever and none in the Northeast since returning, though I have kept my eyes pealed for them. Great job Larry! Merry Christmas!
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