Thursday, December 14, 2023

When The Birds Get Quiet And Disappear

It's strange how you can go to a place that is loaded with songbirds one morning and then it's completely silent the next day. I looked everywhere, even turning over trees looking for signs of life.
Then after much searching, I finally found one. Now I know why all the other birds went into hiding. Once you get a sharpie or a Cooper's Hawk around all the other little birdies tend to get mighty quiet!


Michelle said...

I would get quiet too, if I saw that fellow.

L. D. said...

Once our hawk hits the birds do scatter for a long time. Many times it likes to set on a fence and show off its skill of destroying the bird.

Larry said...

My wife hates seeing them take little birds but somehow she manages to get binoculars out as she watches in disgust!