I decided to gather a few acorns and a variety of berries today. What do I do with them?-you ask. I collect them and store them. The berries go in a can that I keep in the freezer. The acorns are kept in a can in a shady part of my yard. When winter comes, I put them out in my yard on a tray for the birds and critters. The reason I wait until winter, is that fruit and acorns are much harder to come by that time of the year. Birds are more selective about the type of berries they will eat when they are able to pick their own right off of the tree/bush.

I will usually wait for a very cold day or a snowstorm, when the birds are extra hungry. I smash the acorns up before serving them. The birds go after them with much enthusiasm. By the way, does anyone know what kind of tree is in the top photo? I have one in my yard, and the birds gobble the berries up quickly!
This is an idea that saves you a little money. More importantly, it's just something fun to do. It's interesting to see which birds will go after these natural foods.
- If you collect berries, make sure you know what you're picking, store them in a safe manner, and wear gloves!
What a good idea. It may give some family members a shock as they hunt in the freezer for ice cream. I saw a bush like that on a trail today. Does your tree have thorns?
Great idea! My daughter collected acorns last week-end. We'll save them for the birds. As for berries, I have a bag of wild mountain huckleberries in my 'frig. They make great smoothies...
such a wonderful prize for the birdies coming to you feeder! Wonderful energy for starting their migration south!
Ruth-No thorns-it has rough bark.-best to label the berries and seal them up good.
Patrice--You wouldn't wantto mix up bird berries with your smoothie berries-that's for sure.
Tom-Actually-they don't seem that interested in them when I put them out this time of the year.-They's go after premim berries like blueberries etc.-but some of the odd berries have more appeal to fruit eaters that are around in winter .
I'm no expert but it looks like the same type of tree we used to call a wild cherry when I was growing up in Massachsetts. It looks like a black cherry to me.
Hi Larry,
That's a great idea! I'm going to do that this fall also.
There's a tree like that up the street where we walk the dogs and I thought it might be some sort of cherry also. Looks like Pa-Birder confirmed it. I'll have to nab some berries from it for my freezer also.
Heck, if you have wild cherries on your feeder this winter you might see me out there scarfing them down.
I tagged you Larry, I tagged you!!
Go here:
Now that is a really neat thoughtful thing to do. Dang!
I agree with the wild cherry Id's.
I'm going acorn collecting :0)
Oh my! What a great idea. I'm going to try that!
Terrific idea! Never thought of it. I can start now with the pokeberries. I should have gotten the raspberries, too.
Vern-I wonder if I could eat them-I'll bet they're wicked sour.
Ruthiej--Your neighbors might feel bad for you and think that you're desperate for food.
Corey-then I'll have t start a yard list for bloggers.
Jochen-I might get to it-thanks.
Mary-wear gloves when handling pokeberries and be careful storing them-they're toxic to humans!
Cathy-You're over in Ohio-I thought dang was a southern type of exclamation.-Don't get in a fight with the squirrels over acorns!
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