On the day of my arrival I walked a scenic trail that circles around the pond. I spotted a Pied-billed Grebe swimming around the pond and occasionally diving for food. There were Great Blue Herons feeding along the shoreline in one of the coves and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker making its presence known by tapping on a nearby tree with its own distinctive style. I was able to see both the male and female during my stay. The female has a mostly white throat but the the throat on the male is a vibrant red color. It's always a treat for me to see them because I don't see them all that often near my home.
click to play
Here is a short clip of the singing Hermit Thrush.
Larry, I envy your getting to watch the Hermit Thrush sing. They nest and sing every summer up at Hasty. I've seen the birds but never while they were singing. It's my favorite bird song.
Muskrat before and now beavers... man I'll give anything to see them again. I've seen one in Halifax during a meeting but never got any chance to take pictures!!! Well done Larry!
Very cool on the beavers! Looks like a really nice place to camp, btw. There's allegedly a beaver lodge at Northlake Nature Center (down here,) but the powers that be are pretty quiet about where it's actually located & we've had no luck just randomly searching for it.
great looking campsite Larry
I just saw several Hermit thrush at NW park yesterday.
ahh I could listen to the Hermit thrush sing all day!
So did u check out the stereo and tv that the beaver had in its den?
Lynne-That's true for me too. I usually see them or hear them but not both at the same time.
Chris-Maybe I should change my blog name to the Wild World of Rodents.These animals are interesting to watch in action.
Lana-They seem to be fairly common around here but I'm starting to realize that they are mostly nocturnal.
forestal-I guess they are moving their way in.Some years I see them into the wintere but I only saw a few this winter.
Dawn-Of course!-we sat and watched episodes of Leave it to Beaver.
What fun Larry! Love your sense of humor!
Really nature is great composure in itself..its nice to see your collection..good job!..cheer up!!
sunn camp tents
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