Well, I'll be cutting the grass for the first time this year. I thought that I would take a look at a few of the things growing on my lawn before I mow them down. There are are lots of little flowers like the one pictured above, mixed in with my lawn.-Where did they come from?-I didn't plant them.

I may not have to cut these down, because they are under a tree. I think they are pansies that I planted about five years ago. They keep coming back each year.

I despise these mini-maples. There are literally thousands of them on my lawn this time of year. I don't even have a maple tree in my yard. I will definitely look forward to getting rid of them. Maple trees are tough cookies.
Larry - Those are grape hyacinth and johnny jump-ups. The later go by many names and they are so sweet. Spare them, pleeease . . .
Johnny Jump ups-sounds like something we used to do in gym class.
No maples here, but bazillions of little pine trees.... deliver me!!! I mean they are all over the place in the river rock around the pool beds.
Sweet grape hyacinths!
We have 3 large, non-native Norway Maples, that leave thousands of mini-maples growing each spring. I call the pansy like flowers violas. They are so pretty!
Susan Gets Native (blog) is letting a section of her lawn grow into a meadow. Most of us like a little green sward, but we should all think about how much lawn - with the fossil fuel, water and chemical it requires - we really need.
I bought a push-mower. I love the idea and certainly don't mind pushing it, but it cuts so poorly, I'm giving up on it. I'd love to find a good one.
If I had johnny jump-ups and grape hyacinths growing in my grass, I'd dig them up and plant them in my barren gardens. I'm lacking flowers all around my house and here you have them in the lawn! Not fair. Enjoy the grass cutting and knocking out those maples.
I can't believe you have so many cool flowers growing in your lawn! BTW: Great idea for a post!
-Thanks for the responses-I worked a 13 hour day and need to get off the computer quickly.-I am thinking about letting a patch of lawn grow wild.
It's nice to see that a big burly guy like you can get into flowers!
Actually on a more serious note, let your lawn grow wild! Grass lawns are poor habitat for most things. Better to replce much of it with native plants, increasing both habitat and birds at the same time. Of course if you live in a suburban neighborhood that might be looked down upon.
Yes-I'm in a somewhat suburban area.-I'm going to work in a wild portion.
I don't know if you have seen it bu the book "Songbirds in Your Garden" by John Terres is a wonderful book about planting your yard for birds. I guess it would be considered "a classic" I've had a copy for a long long time now. There are more up to date books and info on the internet about such things, which I'm sure you already knew.
I haven't read any recent versions.-I've planted some bird friendly flowers and bushes.I have a couple of different types of crabapple trees, evergreens, and such.
I want to get a patch of tall grass and wildflowers going.
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